Jim Krasula
CBS News Radio Correspondent
Jim Krasula’s award-winning work has been heard on CBS News Radio since 1984. Jim has shared in Edward R. Murrow awards earned by CBS News Radio for coverage of Hurricane Bonnie in 1999, the 2000 Florida vote recount, the September 11th attacks, Hurricane Katrina, and the Virginia Tech shootings.
Jim has covered nearly 30-named tropical storms and hurricanes, dozens of other natural disasters ranging from tornadoes to blizzards, to rockslides and wildfires, numerous military courts-martial of international and national consequence, noted trials involving the Oklahoma City bomber, serial bomber Eric Rudolph, Susan Smith and many others. He traveled the campaign trail with presidential candidates Bob Dole in 1996, John McCain in 2000 and John Edwards in 2004. Jim has reported from nearly every state, from the population centers of New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, to curiously-named towns including Monkey Run, Missouri; Monkey’s Eyebrow, Kentucky; Whynot, North Carolina, Pumpkin Patch, South Carolina and Cutoff, Louisiana. Jim traveled to War, West Virginia and Baghdad, Florida to gauge the public’s mood on the eve of the Iraq war. He covered the Fort Hood massacre, space shuttle Columbia accident, and school shootings in Pearl, Mississippi, Jonesboro, Arkansas and Paducah, Kentucky.
While Jim has rubbed shoulders and interviewed the rich and famous, his real passion is telling the stories of everyday people, a radio version of famed CBS-TV correspondent Charles Kuralt’s “On the Road”, from the farm fields of Iowa and Illinois, the feedlots of Oklahoma and west Texas, the hollows of eastern Kentucky and West Virginia, to the bayous to Louisiana.
Jim has been a news reporter at local radio stations in Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, and North Carolina prior to joining CBS News.
Jim graduated from Western Illinois University with degrees in Broadcasting and Journalism with a minor in Political Science. He is married to Susan Worthington and has two sons, Andrew and Matthew, both of whom are Eagle Scouts.