Providing Listeners A New Reason to Tune-In
Just like the lyrics of a good song, we know news should speak to music listeners. Every day events happen influencing and shaping the world of music fans, especially your primary listening audience. Whether it’s a breaking headline impacting pop culture or something beyond, our goals are to keep you and your P1 connected.
CBS Connected Minute — One minute news/lifestyle updates, delivered at :50 via ftp or XDS
- Newsbrief — 60-Second Newscast
Breaking News Coverage
Branded 60-second features on Entertainment and Lifestyle
Newsfeed Audio Cuts and Prep Material – The hottest audio takes from Entertainment, TV, Movies, Sports, including cuts from CBS sportscasters’ pre- and post-Sunday football games
CBS Digital – video content for your website

News impacts everyone.
For music stations, we’ve designed the CBS Connected Minute, mirroring what’s important to your listeners in the world of news and entertainment.
We connect with stories that feel right to music fans—they’re short, relatable, conversation pieces that listeners keep with them throughout the day.
Format specific
Updated as news breaks
CBS Connect Feed
Prep that puts you in the driver’s seat!
Give your morning show an edge with CBS Connect Audio Cuts & Prep. It’s everything that personalities and show producers need daily to be current.
If your team is resource challenged and your staff doesn’t have time to track down must-hear audio or search social media for the latest buzz, we have turnkey solutions with CBS Audio Cuts & Prep. When you sign up, producers get immediate access to a deep library of timely, creative audio—covering music and entertainment, supported with the reliable resources of Inside Edition and Entertainment Tonight.
Updated 24/7
Easy to download
Convenient search and dashboard organization

Daily 60-Second Highly Sponsorable Content
The CBS entertainment portfolio delivers some of America’s strongest brands directly to local radio with features and content your sales teams can monetize. It’s brand power, celebrity content and insights directly from Hollywood with local activation.
National brand power with local sales opportunities
Run the :60 feature as many times as you like for local revenue*
Local spots can be embedded or adjacent to the content
*Must first meet national obligations.
CBS Connect Originals

CBS Eye On Veterans
In addition to the one minute weekday feature, CBS offers a one hour program dedicated to providing veterans with information about financial assistance, benefits and other issues affecting the lives of our heroes and their families.
Top national and international stories
Top stories video feed
Content credibility – CBS branded video player

Digital & Video For Your Station’s Site
Welcome to our suite of CBS Digital tools! We make it easy for your team to maintain a fresh and up-to-date site filled with the most compelling stories and video, keeping listeners with your station.
It is a one-step process and then you’re on your way. Your webmaster will set up your site to receive a format-specific RSS feed our team of journalists do the rest. It’s that easy! Rich content auto-populates on your site 24/7, up-to-the-minute—your visitors never leave your site!
Top national and international stories
Top stories video feed
Content credibility – CBS branded video player